Welcome to where the fun is! If you love children and their energy, kindergarten is for you!
At kindergarten, our focus is on promoting the optimal development of our students in every way possible. It is our goal to instill a positive attitude to learning and provide a safe, secure environment in which to learn. All of our subjects are taught in English and our teachers work to develop lessons and activities in line with our pre-existing curriculum. Making lessons fun and creative is a must! Children this age learn best through creativity, art, play, song and dance, so this program requires outgoing applicants with a willingness to be silly and have fun with their students!
The Job: Our kindergarten teachers work with children between the ages of 2 and 6. Each homeroom kindergarten teacher teaches their own class of K1, K2, or K3 level students alongside a trained, experienced Thai co-teacher. Our younger classes also receive the support of additional Thai assistant teachers. In classroom teaching consists of teaching daily core subjects English, Experience, and Math, as well as additional periods of Art, Story Time, and Play during the week for a total of about 10 teaching hours weekly. Additional time spent with your students includes supporting them as they learn about school and develop socially, e.g., playing with them at Recess, taking them to eat lunch, and supervising them in their daily routines. Most of our teachers say that their favorite moments at kindergarten are the heartwarming interactions they get to make with their students outside of class!
Our Team: besides having the support of amazing Thai teachers and Thai assistants, our teachers work closely with the other teachers at their level, developing lesson plans and resources collaboratively. Being a team player is vital in this department and our Kindergarten team is a close-knit family, with many teachers staying on for 3 years or more!
Our Subjects

Beginning language learning at a young age is crucial to stimulating the parts of the brain involved in language processing. Our students are immersed in English beginning in pre-school allowing them to develop important listening skills. Our curriculum is heavily based on phonics teaching and our students learn reading, writing and conversation skills in English.

Art allows youth to practice a wide range of skills that are useful not only for learning but also for life! Skills our students practice when participating in art activities include: Fine motor skills and muscle development, hand-eye coordination, self-expression, creative problem-solving, independence and more! Although we have a designated Art class, we also try to incorporate art into our other subjects as much as possible!

In Experience students learn all about the world around them. Science, S.T.E.M. and S.T.E.A.M. activities provide children with opportunities to develop and practice many different skills and attributes. These include communication skills, collaborative skills, team working and perseverance, as well as analytical, reasoning and problem-solving skills.
At the Heart of it all:
Think Outside the Classroom!
With an emphasis on play and experiential learning, your best memories with your students will happen outside the classroom! From Trick-or-Treating to field trips, to Swim class our teachers are able to engage with their students in ways that you will both remember and cherish forever!
Cultural Immersion
Our Kindergarten observes many fun activities that teach students all about their community and culture. ASEAN Day, Wai Kru (Teacher Appreciation Day) Loy Krathong, and Chinese New Year are just a few. At kindergarten you get a chance to learn about these beautiful cultures and traditions right along side your students!
Lifelong bonds
Our young students spend more time with a single teacher than any of our other year groups. This and their young age creates an amazing bond of trust and friendship between our teachers, our students, and their families. Our teachers are often invited to join students outside of school for meals, trips and parties and keep in contact with families even after students have moved to the next year. In Kindergarten you really become part of the family!